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Destiny Discover serves as the online catalog for the Sloman School Library. From this site, students can search or browse library resources and access eBooks.

Student user credentials are the same as the student Google credentials.

To find free books to read, choose E-Book Resources, and then select Capstone eBooks interactive



The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers and residents of the State of Alabama with 24/7 online access to premier library and information resources free of charge.


Marshall County Schools Library Media Center Handbook 

This handbook is intended to serve as a guide and provide pertinent information for library media personnel in the Marshall County Schools. Its purpose is to facilitate consistency of operation without demanding conformity, since individual schools vary significantly in student body, age, ethnicity, size, and in library media staff. This handbook includes general background information on general procedures, county mandates, state mandates, and the operations of the library information services. Revisions and updating will be ongoing as changes in state, in system, and in national requirements or other needs arise.